Sunday, September 30, 2007

Skosi-i or Skosi2

Stan, Kerrie, Olivia, Sophie, Isabella, and Ian,

I had another site that thought the fourth child was going to be a girl with the name Phoebe, so I figured it was time to create a new blog that actually conveyed the names in the family, now that Ian is approaching 18 months old. So I was thinking should the title be a double i, like skosii or should the i be squared indicating there are two of them, and as you can see from the title, squared won out.

Kerrie is in the other room working on Sophie's VIP board for next week, and all week Sophie who is now in Second Grade is going to have different activities, last year when she was the VIP her big Sister who was in Third Grade (4th now), conned her into letting the big sis come to her classroom and read Sophie's favorite story to the class, all so that Olivia could get out of class. Wonder where she gets that devious nature from?

Isabella has started her second year of Pre-School, and is actually starting to figure out that the letters make words, and has started reading a little and finally figuring out how to write her name.

Ian is growing daily, we have been enjoying this past two weeks where I have been working from home, rather than on the road, and he has come to prefer me. Usually when I have been out of town for a couple of days, he scowls at me suspiciously, and I can read his mind thinking, last time I started to commit to you, you left me for infant years on end (or a couple of days at a time), and right now he is definitely my little buddy, not leaving my side, and getting upset when I leave, so I am not looking forward to the following three weeks where I will be going to Chicago, New York and San Francisco each week, and then November is even worse with 2 weeks in North Carolina, and one in New York already scheduled.

I have been coaching Olivia's soccer team this year and we had our first loss of the season on Saturday. There was a player on the opposing team that could play with girls 2 or 3 years older, she was fast, agile, and very skilled. Frustrating being on the other end of that, but not much you can do about it. Olivia scored her fourth goal in as many games, and has turned out to be quite a good on field leader. Her goal this Saturday she claims was the most difficult goal that she has ever scored, being that she had to dribble the ball all the way around three defenders and bring it back to the middle and cross it over in front of the goalie, her skill actually was pretty impressive. I am quite pleased with this team, although there are no Superstar or Marquee players on the team, I think I have 5 or 6 of the 9 girls that I would rate 7 or 8 out of ten, which makes for balanced play. 6 of the 9 have already scored goals this year, and 1 of those that has not scored a goal yet, should before the end of the year, and I would say it is 50-50 that the other two actually get one this year which would I think make for showing that all-around, pound for pound, we are one of the better teams in the league. But I am sure Good Coaching can take credit for most of the strides made in that arena.